Family Therapy
Have you and your family been having difficulties understanding each other? Are you experiencing conflicts, miscommunication, or feelings of resentment?
Perhaps you’re having trouble resolving issues or healing from unresolved hurtful conversations. Or maybe it’s difficult to identify exactly what’s wrong, but you have the sense that your family relationships aren’t functioning the way you’d like them to.
Maybe your family is going through a trying time related to an illness or a major change or life transition. Often, when one family member is experiencing a difficulty, all family members are impacted in some way. You’ve likely tried to resolve problems, but some problems feel too big to manage without support and guidance. Sometimes family members stop talking to each other or avoid certain topics when the problems feel too big.
If you are experiencing these kinds of challenges, you are not alone as families are complex and most families experience some challenges in their relational dynamics at some point.
Would your family like some specialized support to work through these kinds of
At Aligned Minds, we aim to offer a comfortable, safe, and supportive environment for all family members’ voices to be heard.
We all have valid needs, values, and feelings and it takes effort, patience, and often persistence to come to understand and accept varying points of view so as to respectfully come to workable solutions. You have expertise in your family experience, and we will make use of your expertise as we aim to productively talk about difficult topics including those that can sometimes feel like unsolvable problems.
How Does Family Therapy Work?
In family therapy sessions we focus on identifying the patterns of interaction that don’t feel good. Once these patterns are identified, without blame or shame, we are then able to work towards creating new patterns that feel better to be a part of. It can be very empowering to strengthen up your sense of confidence and competence for solving family problems together and healing as a team.
Similar to the work we do individually in therapy, we will work together with all family members who are present for sessions to become aware of the interpersonal patterns, and each members roles within these patterns. Your therapist is skilled at noticing these patterns, and adept at redirecting or bring attention to these not so helpful patterns. Once the patterns are understood new opportunities emerge for developing skills to create new patterns of interacting.
Through this process there exists opportunities to:
Respect differences while maintaining close supportive relationships.
Learn how to express difficult feelings.
Create closer more meaningful relationships.
Recognize our own roles in conflicts.
Use the family strengths such as humour or whit to tackle differences of opinions or unsolvable problems.
Make decisions together about how to move forward.
We would love to help you and your family create the relationships that you want. Contact us now to find out how we can help. You can also book your initial appointment on our confidential online scheduling system on this website. We look forward to hearing from you!
Build Stronger Family Connections Today
Rebuild trust, strengthen connections, and resolve conflicts together with the support of family therapy. At Aligned Minds, we’re here to help you create the family relationships you desire in a safe, understanding environment. Reach out to us today or book an initial session online to start your family’s path toward healing and unity.
It Can Be Possible For You To Live Your Best Life Again
Our goal is to help you feel more fulfilled, satisfied, and in control of your life. It can be possible to start loving yourself more and living with more happiness and confidence. For convenient, online booking, please feel free to contact us.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Warmly, Aligned Minds
"To be aware of a single shortcoming
in oneself is more useful than to be aware of a thousand in someone else."
Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama