5 Signs It's Time to Worry About Your Child's Anxiety 

Everybody worries. It's a natural part of life, even if it is frustrating. We live in a fast-paced world with a lot of responsibilities and things we juggle every single day. As adults, we understand this. However, what a lot of adults don't understand is why a child would also experience worry.

As you get older, it's harder not to look at the past with rose-colored glasses. It always looks better than it may have been the more time passes. However, just because the worries of an adult are not the same as a child does not make either of them any less real. It's challenging as an adult even to understand when we ourselves are experiencing anxiety, let alone what could be happening with our children when we associate childhood with such a carefree experience.

If you believe your child's anxieties and worries are worsening, here is some advice on when you should consider getting professional help. Please remember that just because you do want to seek support for your child's anxiety does not make you a bad parent. Nor does it mean that there is something wrong with your child.

5 Signs It's Time To Worry About Your Child's Anxiety

1. Sleeping issues

No matter what age you are, sleep is important. It is that period when our bodies get the most rest, healing, and rejuvenation. When your child's sleep schedule is really off, it is definitely a sign that their anxiety is out of control. They may have a hard time falling or staying asleep. When they are sleeping, they could have nightmares that wake them up and scare them.

2. Physical Pains and Complaints

Anxiety often manifests itself as physical pain. Are they complaining frequently about stomach aches or headaches? These are two of the biggest signs that anxiety is getting out of control, especially when you can't contribute either to anything specific.

3. Isolation and Avoidance

You can't be with your child every second of their day, especially when they are of school age. However, there are also subtle signs that might not be picked up as worsening anxiety. Two of these are self-isolation and avoidance.

A big thing children and teens will do is avoid going to school. Granted, not wanting to go to school is something that most kids end up going through. However, if it seems as if their refusal or resistance to go to school is happening more frequently, this could be a sign that something more is happening.

They may also stop wanting to socialize with their friends outside of school. At home, they might even start having less interest in the hobbies that they ordinarily enjoy.

4. Intense Worries

This is a hallmark sign of anxiety, regardless of age. Anxiety gets easier to spot when the worries and fears have started becoming more intense and frequent. Your child could come to you and tell you they are apprehensive about something. But, despite reassurance from you, it doesn't make a huge difference. Even when there is no real danger present, it can still feel very real.

5. Your gut tells you there is something more going on

This isn't a sign that the child is exhibiting. However, most people have a strong parental instinct about their children, especially when something feels off. You know your child and their personality and quirks better than anyone else. So, when they begin behaving differently and not themselves, that is one of the biggest clues that there is something more happening.

It's hard as a parent to watch your child struggle. But the good news is there are plenty of options to help ease your child's worries. Don't hesitate to reach out to us for help with anxiety treatment or child counseling.


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