How to Cope with Feelings of Failure and Underachievement
Unfortunately, feelings of failure are a natural part of life. It's common to face setbacks and feel we aren't enough. After all, we live in a society that heavily favors success and perfectionism.
How Attachment Styles Show Up in Dating
Early childhood experiences often have a profound impact on our lives as adults. Many people may be surprised to hear that. However, the relationships you do or don't have with caretakers during this part of your life can be carried with you into adulthood.
Addressing the Impact of Loneliness on Mental Health
It's normal to feel lonely every once in a while. Going long periods without talking to someone we love can make us feel sad and out of sorts. Loneliness can kick in like quicksand, making us feel isolated and disconnected from the people we love.
How to Help Your Teen Prepare for Adulthood
In the blink of an eye, your little baby is on the brink of adulthood. It feels like you were teaching them how to walk yesterday, and now they are getting ready to walk across a graduation stage.
5 Tips to Improve Communication in Your Relationship
You've probably heard it a million times before — communication is important. However, that doesn't mean knowing how to communicate comes easily. In fact, effective communication can be one of the hardest parts of relationships.
How the Holidays Affect Emotional Trauma
For the most part it's common for many to look forward to the packed full months of November and December. However, the holiday season isn't as enjoyable for other people.
4 Tips for Handling Frustrating Family Dynamics During the Holidays
You love your family and understand how important your connections with them are. However, family wouldn't be family if we didn't get annoyed with them occasionally.
How Dating Differs Depending on Your Stage of Life
It doesn't seem to matter your age — dating can be intimidating! However, it can also be a wonderful experience if you consider all the possibilities that can come from it.
How Online Couples Therapy Works
It would be nice if real-life relationships looked like the movies. Yes, there are moments of conflict and drama, but overall, it's a blissful time. Unfortunately, reality isn't exactly like this.
Transforming Your Conflict From Destructive to Productive
Most couples get into arguments. It's unfortunate, but it's natural to have disagreements with your partner occasionally. You both come from different upbringings and pasts. Juggling careers, families, and social and household responsibilities can bring a lot of tension to a relationship, as well.
4 Warning Signs of an Eating Disorder
Society, as a whole, places a lot of emphasis on body image. We are constantly inundated with fitness models, celebrities, and influencers who seem to have it all together. They are fit and beautiful.
How to Spot Signs of Depression in your Teen
The teenage years aren't exactly a walk in the park for the teen or the parent. They are tumultuous years filled with shifting hormones, changing bodies, dating, schoolwork, and preparing for the future.
5 Tips to Study Better With ADHD
Focusing on any task is hard when you have ADHD. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD) can feel like an uphill battle when you are trying to study,
Navigating Depression When Your Child Leaves the Nest
Maybe your only child is leaving home for the first time or they are your last. In either case, you are in a new chapter of your life. This new chapter of not having kids living at home is referred to as empty nest syndrome.
4 Ways Anxiety Affects School Performance
We are quickly approaching the new school year. It's hard to believe that summer has gone by so quickly. Students and parents are making their last preparations to gear up for another year of homework, tests, projects, sports, and other after-school activities.
True Betrayal? Examining the Impact of Online Infidelity
If it's someone physically cheating, then you are like most other people. Infidelity has become synonymous with love affairs and a cheating partner. Would it be surprising to hear that physical cheating isn't the only form of adultery?
How Complex Trauma Presents in Adults
Trauma happens in response to a distressing emotional or physical event. It is most associated with singular events such as car accidents, being the victim of a crime, or witnessing a natural disaster, just to name the "main ones." But another type of trauma exists, complex trauma, or C-PTSD.
The Differences Between ADHD and ASD
Neurodivergency is a term to describe brains that function differently than what is considered normal. Being neurodivergent, or any of the conditions that encompass it, is not new to the world.
How Do Anxiety Symptoms Differ in Women?
Anxiety is a mental health concern that can impact anyone. Children and adults. Men, women, and non-binary individuals. Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health disorders, affecting millions of people each year.
Neurodivergent vs. Neurotypical: What's the Difference?
In recent years, the term neurodivergent has become more widely used. However, that does not mean that being neurodivergent is anything new. In fact, people who are neurodivergent have been around for centuries upon centuries. The only thing that has changed is the term people use to describe others who are neurodivergent.